

Managing Teams

Every user in an organization can have a manager. This relationship implicitly defines teams of users, i.e., groupings of users with the same manager. The manager of a team must be a user with the manager (or admin) role. All users with a sales rep role must have a manager.

Managers and admins can invite new users to join SalesMagic and define who their manager will be when they join. You can do this from the My Team page or from the Edit Org dialog.

The My Team page includes the following information:

  • Team Stats (managers only): Shows overall stats for your team, such as the total number of calls across all team members, the total talk time in minutes, and the number of users on the team.

  • Users Table: A list of all users in the team. If you are a manager, the table shows all the users who report to you. If you are a sales rep, the table shows all the users who report to your manager. As a manger, you can also see various stats for each user, such as their number of calls, talk time, and average call score. Managers can also access the list of calls for each user and change a user's manager. Admins can see the same information as managers, but the table will also show any users who have no managers, to allow admins to view all users in the org.

  • Team Module Assignments (managers only): Shows all of the modules that you have assigned to all of your team members, along with their percentage completion. Note: if a team member self assigned a module to themselves for practice, this willl not be shown in this view. You can also delete a module assignment from here if needed.

  • Team and Org Prospects: All of the prospects that have been shared with your team or org. That is, you, your manager, or anyone else on your team has shared the prospect. Admins can also share prospects across the entire org. Shared prospects let everyone on your team make calls against a standard persona. They can also be used when adding modules to your team.

  • Team Modules: All of the modules that have been shared with the team, e.g., shared by you, your manager, or anyone else on your team. Team modules can be assigned to any team member to work on, or they can be self assigned.


You can create multiple teams within an org (e.g., multiple users with a manager or admin role). And you can have teams within teams (e.g., a team with a manager or admin as a team member). You can change a user's manager from the My Team page or Edit Org dialog.