Billing and Usage
You can track your billing history and your credit usage from the Billing and Usage page. This page is only accessible to admin users.
This page shows you the following information
Credit Summary: The number of credits remaining for users within your org to make calls. This box also tells you when the next billing cycle occurs, which is when your credits will be increased based on your current subscription plan.
Credit Usage This Cycle: This table gives you a breakdown of all of the credits consumed during the current billing cycle. This lets you see which users are using your credit quota the most.
Billing History: This table shows any transactions or events that changed your credit quota, such as a subscription payment or cancelation and any top-up purchases. This table will also show you any free top-ups that you received by inviting users to your org during the onboarding flow.
If you need to purchase more credits, see the Plans and Credits page.
If you have any questions about your billing history or credit usage, please contact us.