

Share Prospects

Share Prospect

By default, a prospect is private to you, i.e., only you can see the prospect and make calls to it.

Prospects can also be shared with your team, meaning that everyone else on your team will be able to see the prospect from their accounts. And prospects can be shared with everyone in your organization, such as the initial prospects created during the onboarding process. This lets everyone work from a consistent set of customer personas.

The icon in the top-left corner of a prospect card lets you know if a prospect has been shared with your team or org:

  • Lock icon: The prospect is private and only visible to you.
  • Team icon: The prospect is shared with your team. If you hover over the icon, a tooltip will indicate if the prospect was shared by you or another team member.
  • Org icon: The prospect is shared with everyone in your org. If you hover over the icon, a tooltip will indicate if the prospect was shared by you or another team member.

Share Prospect Icon


Only users with an Admin role can share (or unshare) prospects with the entire org.